The Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship provides companies with support for the implementation of individual projects by one or more companies. The project starts from an innovative idea for which new knowledge is needed and research and possibly also development activities have to be carried out. The emphasis in research projects is on building up new groundbreaking knowledge that will eventually form the basis for new or improved products, processes or services or a combination of these. There are challenges and risks associated with building this new knowledge.

As a sparring partner, we start together with you as an entrepreneur. From your role as a visionary, we constantly think along with you during every phase, and we take care of the optimization of your business. This allows you as an entrepreneur to further strategically position yourself.

Requirements to meet?
All activities in which knowledge is built up, or activities that directly support this, can be included in a research project. These can be both technological and non-technological in nature. Compared to normal business activities and current renewal processes, the project must clearly deviate in working method, content, intended results and/or risks for which knowledge must be built up. The basic support percentage is between 25% and 50%, depending on whether a collaboration takes place and depending on the size of your company.
Within a research project, your company can also collaborate with other companies or knowledge institutions, which you engage either as a subcontractor or as a partner. In the long run, the knowledge you build up should provide a clear competitive advantage and have a positive impact on the further development of your company, in terms of employment, investments and embedding in Flanders.
You can read more about it on this VLAIO page.

How our advisors can help you
In the application file, you should outline the plan to overcome these challenges and manage the risks.
The project objectives must be clear and verifiable. A clear description of the research routes, possible risks and an efficient approach in terms of resources used are an important part of your subsidy file. With our team we coach you through a few conversations to the desired end result.