Construction and project development

Your knowledge partner in complex matters
Every company is different and every sector also has its own tax legislation that it has to follow. This is certainly the case in the construction sector. In Belgium, companies in the construction sector are subject to very specific tax and social security legislations. Our advisors will think through all the possible issues with you. For example, we can draw up feasibility studies for all projects in advance and calculate the total cost price so that you are not faced with unpleasant surprises during the project itself. In addition, our environmental consultants will provide feedback on all environmental questions and our subsidy consultants will work with you to find the right subsidies for all projects.
Personnel policy and social legislation in the construction sector have always had a special character. This is mainly because of the different types of articles of association, temporary contracts, employees from abroad and working with subcontractors. In this field, our legal and social law experts are also at your service with tailored advice.