Our specialists worked together with Kanaal Z to share our knowledge with entrepreneurs on various hot topics in tax law. You can review the different episodes here.
Episode 1: Incentives and financing of start-up companies
In this episode, Katrien De Schepper discusses the different ways in which a start-up company can benefit from resources to increase its capital and all the requirements for proper financing. The added value of a good financial plan is also made clear, as is the win-win loan, because this is an excellent opportunity for starting entrepreneurs to get an extra impulse.
Episode 2: Transfer of family enterprises to the next generation
In this episode of Z-Fiscal, Hilde Marcou discusses the new inheritance law and its consequences for the transfer of family businesses to the next generation. We will go deeper into what has changed with the new inheritance law, whether it is fairer than the previous one, and how entrepreneurs can best transfer their businesses to the next generation.
Episode 3: How to remove real estate from the company
Companies contain a lot of real estate, such as a private home. Entrepreneurs are charged a cost in kind for this, the benefit in kind, which often weighs heavily on the company. As a result, many entrepreneurs are now opting to remove these properties from the company. David Lornoy explains this in more detail.
Episode 4: Cancellation of debts or alternatives in the case of companies in difficulty
It happens in the best families: daughters or sons who are indebted to their parents. This is also happening in the business world. Within related companies there are sometimes weak brothers, companies that are struggling. What do you do in such a case? Can the mother house simply cancel those debts? David Lornoy gives all the answers!
Episode 5: Supplementary pensions for self-employed workers and managers
Do you know what a POZ is? This is a pension agreement for the self-employed. A brand new pension vehicle that mainly one-man businesses and liberal professions can enjoy. Frederic Doorkeeper, power planner at VGD explains how this works and how you can build up an optimal pension!
Episode 6: Benefits and costs specific to the employer
As an employer, you want to involve your employees in the success of your company, and the summer agreement contains the ideal measure for doing so: the profit contribution. Employees earn a share of the company's profits and that contribution is not subject to ordinary social security contributions and taxes. Delphine Vandamme of VGD is reviewing the measure.
Episode 7: Innovation support measures
The government is committed to the increase of the knowledge economy in Belgium. The Summer Accord continues to support the tax deduction for innovative measures and this is only one of the many measures that exist to stimulate the development of knowledge in our companies. Anthony Meul lists all innovation support measures.
Episode 8: Real estate rentals and alternatives
Renting out to us is still free of VAT, which makes Belgium an outsider in Europe. But there are ways in which the entrepreneur can still recover the VAT on a building you have constructed. And there is also a new law in the making that will facilitate that. Katrien Huysse closely follows the new evolutions.