You can finance and structure the acquisition of real estate in many ways. A purely private purchase is no longer the only option. For example, in certain cases you can also consider involving your company in the purchase. In this way, resources from the corporate sector can be used to partly pay for the purchase. This gives you as a buyer extra clout and certain optimizations can be realized.

Split purchase: 'the best of both worlds'
In a split purchase, different parties buy a property together. A common example is the case where you as a company manager (natural person) acquire the bare ownership and the company the usufruct.
By working with such a split purchase, you can enjoy 'the best of both worlds' in certain situations. For example, a significant part of the financing can be borne by the company, while full ownership eventually ends up in private hands.
Also with regard to succession, such a split purchase (between parents and the children) may be appropriate. Other current rights in rem are ground lease and superficies, each with its specific characteristics.
To avoid adverse tax consequences, it is of course important to comply with certain rules. This not only at the time of purchase, but also during the term of the right in rem and upon expiry thereof. After all, the tax authorities exercise increased vigilance in such purchases.
Real estate taxation is characterized by high complexity, an ever-changing tax landscape and a highly multidisciplinary character. There are few domains within taxation that deal with such a diverse range of taxes. For example, you have to take into account the consequences in terms of registration duties, VAT, personal income tax, corporation tax and inheritance tax.
VGD's advisors are familiar with common practice and customs and are happy to guide you in your real estate transactions.
Contact our advisors for more information.