Do you have an innovative idea that can strengthen your company, but do you still have many challenges to overcome in developing that innovation? Do you still need to develop a new technology, thoughtfully improve your processes or services, build a prototype or go through a pilot phase where there are still challenges? VLAIO gives companies with a development project a boost with advice and financial support.

This type of project involves the development of a completely new or significantly innovative (improved) product, process, service or concept, and the result has a significant impact on the performance of your company. The impact is rather short-term.
You can read more about it on this VLAIO page.
Our advisors guide you in writing your business case. A well-considered substantiation of the positive impact on your company as well as on society is an important first step in the application. Crucial in a development project is the innovative idea that results in a new or renewed product, process or service, and the need to go through a few more steps before you can realize your plans.
Development is typically an iterative process to gain insights and find solutions. Based on a number of conversations, we go through each step of your process and write this down clearly. We challenge you on the basis of specific questions and our experience to arrive at the desired qualitative file. The basic support percentage is between 25% and 50%, depending on whether a collaboration takes place and depending on the size of your company. Together with you, we go over all possible costs in order to draw up a realistic budget.