Environmental advice and environmental permits
VLAREM, VLAREBO, VLAREMA, .... VGD Milieu has followed the development of Flemish regulation in this area over the years, from its early days through to its current form, and knows it in detail. We can guide you through the complex legislation and translate it into understandable, concrete measures and environmental advice tailored to your question or need, as each situation is different and therefore requires a different approach. Together with you, our environmental advisors will look for the best solution, and will be happy to assist you in discussions with the government.

Your partner in all environmental matters
Do you want to know the possible environmental risks within your company? Or are you planning an acquisition? Our environmental advisors assess the risks and identify the potential problems, required actions and cost estimates for you in the form of clear environmental advice.
Do you want to apply for an environmental permit? Or perhaps shortcomings have been pointed out in an existing permit, and you don’t know how to put it in order? We have extensive experience in these matters and can provide advice and assistance.
We can also help with all administrative obligations relating to your permit and can take care of your application for environmental subsidies.

Questions about soil pollution?
Are you planning on selling your business or buying a lot of land where there is a risk of soil contamination? Our environmental advisors will be happy to advise and assist you.
We provide an independent assessment of this situation which will help you take further steps. The independence of our technical work combined with our legal knowledge give extra added value to complex pollution situations. In addition, we also help you with your negotiations with the competent authorities.

Reference: Drawing up of an environmental risk management plan for a listed real estate company worth EUR 630 million
VGD's environmental advisor was responsible for evaluating and monitoring all the environmental risks associated with the transactions and management of the property portfolio.
- Preparation and regular updating of internal procedures relating to the environment
- Due diligence for environmental aspects in new purchases
- Evaluation of completeness of available soil investigations and conformity of technical equipment.
- Negotiation and drafting of contractual clauses in sales and lease agreements relating to environmental aspects
- Evaluation and follow-up of soil investigations at the time of purchase/sale or change of tenant
- Application for the required environmental permits for the sites concerned.

Reference: Vendor environmental due diligence for a textile mill
The VGD environmental advisor acted as project manager and advisor for all environmental aspects before and during the sale.
- Evaluation of potential shortcomings in the field of environment and urban planning, including the sale of businesses.
- Organisation of missing investigations and test certificates, such as asbestos inventory, additional soil investigation, organisation of adaptation works on electrical installations and reorganisation of storage of hazardous products.
- Determination of incorrect entry of a number of plots in the register of risk areas and, additionally, preparation and submission of an application for adjustment
- Drawing up and negotiation of contractual clauses relating to the environment
- In progress (2018): preparation of comparative financial study for options for the remediation of mineral oil pollution. The advantages and disadvantages of maintaining the existing buildings or demolishing buildings and excavating pollution are being examined.